// Dear User, // // This is pilesorts Data Language template file explaining basic rules of the language. // Please refer to help documents and sample files provided to learn more about Data Language. // // Comment lines start with double-slash // Comment lines and empty lines will be ignored during processing. // Reserved words (title, item, resp etc.) are case insensitive. *title // Type the title of the data below // EXAMPLE: // title mypilesorts data *item data // Enter item data in this section. // Enter variable names on first line // Use Space, TAB, or Comma as a delimiter; take phrases in double quotas <">, or // use "_" or "-" to join the words in phrase. // Use "na" (not available) reserved word to indicate missed data. // One line = one item data! // EXAMPLE: // ID label Sweetness Shape // 1 apple 5 round // 2 pear 6 oblong // 3 banana 4 tubular // 4 watermelon 4 round *resp data // Same rules applied to respondent variables and respondent data below. // EXAMPLE: // ID Gender Age label // Michael male 25 Michael_Jackson // Osama female 48 "Osama bin Laden" // Ramses male 33 Ramses_II *pilesorts // Enter your pilesorts data in this section using Item IDs. // You can continue data on the next line, if necessary. // Pile labels are optional. Number of piles for each respondent not limited. // EXAMPLE: // resp Michael // pile 1: 1,2,3 // pile 2: 1, 4 // pile label 3: Label text for respondent r1 pile 3 // pile 3: 2 // resp Osama // pile 1: 1 4 // pile 2: 2 3 // RESP Ramses // PILE 1: 3 4 // PILE 2: 2, 3 // Thank you for using Visual Anthropac! // Copyright ©2003 Analytic Technologies, Inc. // Software Engineering by AT and Medical Decision Logic, Inc.